{ "manifestVersion": 2, "platformVersion": 23, "changeLog": [ { "version": 1, "changes": [] }, { "version": 2, "changes": [] }, { "version": 3, "changes": [ "Updated Luna Next stack", "Added Tweaks application", "Implemenented noWindow support for WebAppMgr", "Added several mobile optimized websites as application (GMail, YouTube, ...)", "Added possiblity to permanently install webOS on a device" ] }, { "version": 4, "changes": [ "Switch to OE release 1.5 dora", "Fix for nodejs", "Fix for logging without password" ] }, { "version": 5, "changes": [ "Using maliit as input method", "Using ofono with rilmodem support from cross project (Ubuntu, Mer, webOS ports) effort", "Prelude is back as default font for everything", "System UI and Just Type launcher are back and usable (press power key for some longer time)", "Bug fixes to get Luna Next working on N7", "Bigger gesture area", "Battery status indicator", "Application manager can now launch native applications (try snowshoe in the launcher)" ] }, { "version": 6, "changes": [ "Use new QML based browser application instead of snowshoe", "Further work to get audio through pulseaudio/alsa working", "WiFi is working again", "Updated settings application with visual changes for the WiFi panel", "Several updates for the Luna Next UI stack" ] }, { "version": 7, "changes": [ "No window decoration anymore for native qt applications", "Virtual keyboard based on the Ubuntu Touch variant of the Maliit keyboard", "Core applications are only using webos-lib instead of webos-ports-lib and webos-lib", "Updates to the Luna Next UI stack to fix bugs and improve performance" ] }, { "version": 8, "changes": [ "Rebased on new layers (meta-webos, meta-oe, oe-core)", "Complete rebuild of the whole distribution caused by the rebase" ] }, { "version": 9, "changes": [ "Rebased on new layers (meta-webos)", "Unified names of build artifacts", "Connman upgraded to 1.20", "qtwebkit no longer depends on MACHINE_ARCH luna-service2" ] }, { "version": 10, "changes": [ "Signature fixes to share more components between maguro and grouper builds (TUNE_PKGARCH).", "Reworked WiFi part of the system settings application", "Extended support for remote web applications", "Fixed callback issues with PalmServiceBridge implementation", "preware doesn't try to download feeds when no internet connection is available", "Several improvements for the system update service" ] }, { "version": 11, "changes": [ "luna-service2 is now machine independent which enables us to share a lot more packages between different machines", "System update functionality is now implemented and will enable you to update the system through the UI", "Suspend is working again (still has minor issues but those will be fixed soon)", "Relaunching applications is now possible", "Several meta data cleanups" ] }, { "version": 12, "changes": [ "Updates for preware, memo and pdf applications", "Kernel is now automatically updated" ] }, { "version": 13, "changes": [ "Rebuilt from scratch", "Updates for apps", "Recipe cleanup" ] }, { "version": 14, "changes": [ "Dev mode implementation", "SDL2 support", "More gstreamer plugins added for better multimedia support", "Finally enabling SWAP space on target device (not emulator)", "Various bug fixes for application and cardshell", "Use correct default wallpaper selected in contest again" ] }, { "version": 15, "changes": [ "Qt 5.2.1 update", "Small update for meta OE layers from upstream", "luna-sysservice changes from upstream", "fix for that libhybris/qtwayland patch issue" ] }, { "version": 16, "changes": [ "Various improvements for proper suspend handling", "Application menu support added to Luna Next Cardshell", "Improvements for keyboard to support more languages (spell checking and predictive text) and fix a lot of bugs", "Fixed telephony service to not constantly segfault", "Bug fixes and UI improvements for cdav synergy connector", "First feedback sound implementation in new audio service component" ] }, { "version": 17, "changes": [ "Small update from upstream layers" ] }, { "version": 18, "changes": [ "Fixed icons for pdf and email apps", "Web applications are now resized when keyboard is visible", "Fixed problems with system update scripts to post installation steps to next boot" ] }, { "version": 19, "changes": [ "Reimplementation of the keymanager service", "New media indexer service to warrant compatibility with legacy webOS", "Correctly set the application id as application name for luna service calls", "Support more media format (mp3, ...) within gstreamer", "Hardware keyboard control is now working again within the emulator", "Various core app UI improvements to look better on our target devices" ] }, { "version": 20, "changes": [ "First tweak support within Luna Next Cardshell", "Various UI layout improvements", "Media playback (not hardware accelerated) is working now", "Improved swipe gestures for the Cardshell", "Various bug fixes" ] }, { "version": 21, "changes": [ "Various bug fixes and application updates" ] }, { "version": 22, "changes": [ "Major suspend handling rework. Not finished yet and device doesn't reliable sleep yet. Will be finished with the next stage", "C+Dav synergy connector update", "Account service now uses the keymanager for storing credentials again", "Rebased on latest upstream meta-webos which brings various components and security updates (such as for openssl)", "Various component upgrades and bug fixes" ] }, { "version": 23, "changes": [ "Updates for various system apps", "Initial dashboard support in card shell", "Rewritten contacts application", "Working google contact/calendar sync", "Reworked suspend/resume handing", "Various bug fixes" ] } ] }